Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 23 - Banana Pancakes

At last, it rained in the rainforest. 

Before we went to bed last night, we were warned that a storm was going to arrive late that night/early the next morning and that if we didn't have a sturdy tarp over our tents, we would be soaked by the time we got up. Apparently, our tents weren't made for this kind of rain. My tent didn't even have a rain cover (it was normally way too hot at night to have one over your tent anyways), but I figured the trees above our campsite would keep us pretty dry. Boy, was I wrong. Don't underestimate tropical rainstorms. I was woken up early to the sound of big, fat raindrops attacking the roof and all four sides of my tent were soaked.

I got out, ran to the commons, and to my pleasant surprise, saw many people were also awake and a little baffled about this new sight. Rain. Rainforest. Whoa. And there was some sort of commotion in the kitchen...

Banana pancakes? YES PLEASE. 
Happy birthday Nika!
Due to the weather, it was impossible for any of the groups to collect data, which meant we were stuck inside with nothing to do. There was a guitar hanging in the larger library where we'd go study, so we went to get that, tried to tune it, and had jam sesh. What song do you think we played? :) Rainstorm, banana pancakes, music, and family. I will remember this particular morning for a very long time.
The best pancakes I've ever had. Dannah seems to agree.
Arielle plays the GMO song!
GIANT RIVER OTTERS. Within seconds of hearing someone scream "river otters!!!," everyone scrambles outside with their boots half on and runs down to the dock. There was a group of 3-4 river otter swimming right by the station, bobbing their heads up and down, and they were LOUD. These guys have been hunted extensively for their coats and their numbers are only beginning to come back. I think this was one of those once-in-a-lifetime moments. August showers bring river otters.
The fish team caught some shrimp and this wittle guy :3 
Joe went to check out Arielle's leaf cutter an colony that she studied for her project.
We found a little frog that was just sitting there, watching the ants, just like we were. 
It did not budge. 

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