At one point, we were told we weren't allowed to fall asleep because at any moment, the back of the boat could dip too low and get stuck, and the drivers would need some of us to move the front of the boat to balance the weight and/or to jump off and help push the boat. It got really intense really quickly. Did I mention it was pouring?
Dawww :')
Our boat kept getting stuck from the river being too low and the rapids being too strong.
To decrease the boat's weight, we had to abandon ship and walk to shore.
Here they come!
Teddi is reddi.
Both boats struggled to get past this part of the river.
We'll be okay though because Batman is leading the way. (Thanks Alyssa)
There was a sigh of relief when we made it back to Atalaya, but then it meant we had to say goodbye to our new friends. It's weird that I probably won't ever see them again. It's weird how this little town feels like home, even though we only stayed here for one night.
After another 3-4 hours back up the road, we arrive at Wayqecha which is a couple of thousand feet higher than Atalaya.
Beds? Blankets? Bathrooms? Sinks? Cold? "Where the hell am I?"