Sunday, December 11, 2011

Rainy Occupation

Are we tired of Occupy stuff yet? I don't know really how to feel about it.

This protest that I followed about a month ago started out organized but then digressed into random chanting from multiple groups...simultaneously. After blocking traffic in the freezing rain for about 2 hours, the group split up, one headed back home while the other marched on to the community college.

With no feeling left in my extremities, I gladly followed the first group back while a fellow photographer went with the second group.

Even though nothing too exciting happened, I got a chance to shoot nighttime, which was something I hadn't done until that day. It's a completely different world, shooting at night (cue pre-photo-assignment anxiety), so what I got was a butt load of blurry nothingness and a handful of clean ones.

And guess what? It turns out my camera is waterproof! Huzzah!

A student speaks to the crowd before marching to University Bridge.

Protestors marching down University Way on their way to University Bridge.

Students climbing on University Bridge...


Blurry, but cool looking.

Students in the dorms look out their windows at a group of protestors heading back to campus.

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