Friday, December 9, 2011

Daily Lessons

By now you probably know better than to expect any sort of chronological continuity from this blog.

That being said, here are some shots from my first assignment for The Daily from October. It was very stressful. Aside from the anxiety of it being my first project, I didn't know how to react to the crowd, where to stand, who to take pictures of, what functions to set my camera to...It felt like everything was out of my control, even my own camera, which is never a good feeling. But like with every new assignment I get from The Daily, I always come home with a pocketful of lessons learned.

What did I learn from this?

1. Be ahead of the crowd when they're marching.
2. Know WHO you are taking pictures of.
3. Always have a notepad and pen with you so you can write down those names (and anything else important because you won't remember an hour later).
4. And don't be afraid to get in people's way in order to get a good shot (which is a problem I still have trouble with).











1 comment:

  1. I still have trouble remembering that it is okay to get in peoples way for the good shot when i'm filming weddings....great shots!
