Saturday, December 10, 2011

Daily Lessons: News Stops for No One

Yesterday was the last night of production for fall quarter at the Daily, but that doesn't mean news stops happening!

I was just about to leave the library to go home today when I decided to check The Daily's Facebook page. Apparently there had been a chemical spill in one of the buildings on campus and the next thing I knew I found myself with two reporters and another photographer down by the chemistry department shooting pictures. Wow, what a rush!

This was the first time I had to go through the whole photo process by myself. It was nerve-racking but I really had no choice but to do what I could since no other photographers were around (the other photographer had to leave early). I can happily say I am pleased with the results! I even got to use my new lens hood! You have to admit, a camera looks so much cooler with a lens hood.

I think I can honestly say editing photos doesn't scare me anymore. Now I just have to overcome my fear of writing cutlines... Those things are surprisingly difficult to write.

Lessons learned:
1. Store a pair of gloves in your backpack. You never know when you'll be in the cold shooting for a long time. You can't get crisp photos with cold hands.
2. Bring a hat too, for the cold ears.
3. When you are absolutely terrified of what you are about to do, but people are counting on you to follow through, you take a deep breath and do the best you can...and hope everything turns out okay.
4. Everything usually turns out okay.



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