Thursday, July 11, 2013

For science!

This gives "birding" a whole new meaning.

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Adrienne measures the wing length, going from the wrist to the end of the outermost primary.
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Using the awesome field guide that COASST put together to see what we found.
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It was a Large Immature Gull Wing :)
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Liz shows us how to get the bill measurement. 
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We tag all of our finds so that we know if something is a re-find in the future. 
This particular adult gull is tagged (read from closest to the heart, out) black, white, and red, or #901.
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Our last find was a Sooty Shearwater. These birds are known to have the longest migration routes ever recorded: 39,000 miles!! They are rarely seen from shore unless we find them ON shore! 
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