Sunday, March 18, 2012


So a few new changes on the blog.

1. I have updated some old posts. Pictures are bigger, brighter, and better! Please check them out:

2. If you haven't already noticed, I've added a couple of new links to the right side bar. The first is to my YouTube channel, just another creative outlet that I have (and should really pick back up). Underneath that is a list of some wonderful bloggers that you will love. Their talent and good taste are undeniable, be it with visual arts, music, or words. Not to mention they're just really great people to be around. So click away!

Life Adventures (Riley P.)
dino toaster (Kevin H.)
Life Crushed (Brian M, Olin V, Kevin H.)
Blood (Scott J.)
Swami G (Abi K.)
Tape Tectonics (Bryan H.)

3. Anyone can comment on the posts now. I was not aware the comments were set to registered users only, so I apologize!


1 comment:

  1. Nothing calms the nerves like finger painting. Though retail therapy may be a close second.

    I miss painting! Also I like the primary-colors-only theme you got going on here. That's a great blue!
