Friday, March 9, 2012

48. Hello, World!

I guess I like to end my quarters with a bang.

Last quarter it was the impromptu shoot of the hazmat spill in the chemistry building. Then just today, I find out that I have been accepted to a study abroad program in Peru. I'm still trying to process this. All I know is life just reached a new level of epic.


I've wanted to study abroad for as long as I could remember, but never pictured Peru as my destination. Europe had always been the top choice. Then school and finding the ESRM major happened, and now I'm getting the chance to do research in the most biodiverse area on earth - The Amazon Rainforest!

But none of this is happening until August, so I have to remind myself to take it easy and slow down because there's a lot to do between then and now. I've got two solid months of summer, spring quarter, spring break, and oh yeah, finals to worry about before Peru. The last thing I want is for me to plan so far ahead that I forget to enjoy things around me now.

That's one of the reasons why I'm glad I followed through with this photo project. It has helped me document my entire quarter through pictures. At least 48 photos never would have existed if it wasn't for this project. There have been countless days where I had nothing to post so I forced myself to go somewhere, anywhere, to look for interesting things to photograph. (Thankfully, I managed to dodge the generic centered wide-angle shot of Suzallo library. I think I can give myself a pat on the back for that one) This blog has become very much part of my routine; it feels weird when I just think about missing a day. But finals are coming up, and I have to draw the line. Posting will resume, though probably not daily, once spring break hits and a new photo-a-day project will start with the new quarter.

I hope you enjoyed following me on my photo journey, I know I enjoyed working on it.

Alright alright, enough of me blabbing! Here are random tidbits that for some reason or another, never made the cut. Thank you so much for reading!

The power went out in January and I had a chem midterm the next day. So lame.



Enjoying the nice weather after some intense ecological restoration at Carkeek Park!


There was a pod of orcas swimming by and everyone had their cameras out, haha.


When in doubt, find a cool wall and snap a picture.





I call this the OTHER "Harry Potter Room"



Eat with a fork and you shall live long and prosper.



Mmm wide angle.

Hey, you got any Vitamin D?




  1. Wow An! There are so many fantastic photos in here. Please keep doing a "didn't make the cut" post at the end of each quarter or month or something. Also, congrats on Peru that is going to be one heck of a trip!

  2. My God I am in love. And inspired.
