Monday, January 16, 2012

9. (6.2) Manic Mouths and Feet?

This was the first time I had been to a poetry slam, and woah! They're a lot of fun! I suppose I was spoiled, though. Since this was the round to select the top 5 finalists who would move on to compete in a national competition, all the performances were top notch.

The thing with these types of performances is that you get to see the artist settle into the zone. They become serene, focused, and simultaneously aware yet unaware of the audience. It's hard to explain. You see it with sports too. Athletes have rituals they go through before a race or a game, just like musicians have warm ups that they do.

It's always refreshing to see people perform in such a genuine way. The audience is delivered something that is very tangible and real.

Check out music from Feet.

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