Wednesday, August 6, 2014

7. The Beginnings of a Greenhouse

 These frames are strong enough to hold a swinging human!

Eye spy with my little eye some ready to pick zucchinis!!

 There were so many tomatoes that were just asking to be picked... They were delicious.

Fellow Engineers Without Borders coworker and friend Adi was kind enough to show me the greenhouse that is being built down by the Center for Urban Horticulture. The UW Farm approached EWB last winter in hopes of designing and building a space that would allow for more food to be grown over the cold winter months. Over the past couple of months, the two groups have been hard at work in finalizing plans and construction began in spring. I visited the site when seeds were still being sown, and it's pretty incredible to see the change that happens just over a matter of months. Zucchinis, tomatoes, jalepenos, carrots, kale, arugula, basil, squash, onions, garlic, chard, and other veggies that I can't even name are abundant and thriving. Once the greenhouse is done, we will able to harvest these beauties all through the winter too. I am excited. 

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