Monday, January 27, 2014

16. Volunteer

I like the idea of moveable chairs in public spaces. These were found during a park audit I had to do for a class at Volunteer Park. What would you do with these? Would you take them? Why? Why not?


  1. I feel like they'd get stolen unless they were really undesirable. Who is supposed to ensure that they remain? It seems like extra work for the park service or whoever that is.

    Even so, it is a cool idea that could make sitting at a park a much more interesting experience.

  2. I find it odd that they're right in front of a totally usable bench. Just in case a group of 8 needed to sit down at once? I would want to move them to a more secluded area of the park, but would that be breaking the rules? Touching city property (or someone else's) just seems weird.

    Also too lazy to steal them, despite the pretty color.

  3. The costs that would be associated with stealing them probably outweigh the benefits :)
