Friday, January 31, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014

19. Scaled

Happy Lunar New Year! I am celebrating with homework. And some tea.

Monday, January 27, 2014

16. Volunteer

I like the idea of moveable chairs in public spaces. These were found during a park audit I had to do for a class at Volunteer Park. What would you do with these? Would you take them? Why? Why not?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

14. Must be Magic

This was probably the closest I was going to get to having a magic genie. Earlier this week, I read an article about the OneBusAway app that made me wonder how non-smartphone users could also benefit from this tool. What if the app was embedded in the bus stop?

Not even 24 hours after I was seriously considering talking to UW Transportation Services about the idea, a strange new addition appeared at the bus stop I usually wait at every night to go home. It was OneBusAway minus the smartphone, just like I had imagined.

I'm glad someone was a couple steps ahead of me. Or maybe it was my genie, because the feeling of seeing that new screen at the stop was close to magical.

I also met the Director of Innovation & Inspiration today. Read that name again. It's a real thing, I kid you not. He wore a bright orange shirt and had really cool facial hair.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

13. Matt's Homestyle Hummus

I suggest you make some room in your fridge for this ASAP. So far Matt's Homestyle Hummus has five flavors including chipotle, parsley, parsley/garlic, classic, and ginger, and three new flavors are coming soon, adding sun-dried tomato, roasted red pepper, and green chili to the list. Local ingredients, homemade, and pretty darn delicious. I personally am partial to the chipotle and ginger.

My friends are always up to really cool things. I am always surprised by all the energy and ideas they have, but I really shouldn't be because they are an eclectic group of inspiring and hard-working individuals who are great to be around. While one is making hummus, another friend is making beats. Abi Kalkura currently has a music project called a "Beat a Day" where he creates daily mashups and uploads them to his Soundcloud. The beats are chill, so grab some hummus, turn up the volume, and enjoy the next few minutes of your day. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

8. Life Lessons

"If you're gonna be an asshole, be organized!" 
- Panel speaker on getting your sustainability project
through school administration

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

7. Coleus

"Focus on the plant, not on me." 
OK Ben.


A woman on the crowded bus home today dropped her phone under her seat. A gentleman sitting next to her offered to get it, essentially having to crawl on the floor and use the Flashlight App on his iPhone to find his neighbor's lost device. What followed was a conversation between the two people and three others around them about Apples and Androids and their technical compatibilities. Just some friendly chitchat amongst strangers. Something that can really only happen in shared spaces like the bus. It was a nice moment to see Seattle come together, if only for a brief moment, in a public space. What is the purpose of a public space, such as a city bus, neighborhood parks, and sidewalks? These places keep me grounded. They remind me of where I fit in the big picture of things. Just something to think about with the looming budget and metro cuts...

Monday, January 13, 2014

6. Making a Call (reprise)

What's with people with phones in Gould?? I really like how his suit matches the grey of the building. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

5. Bus Lines

Well it didn't take long for things to get really abstract..

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Jana Raport Creative

Jana Raport and I became friends in 5th grade because we both played Neopets and I thought that meant she was pretty cool. We stayed friends because we played together, ran together, played volleyball together, and made art together. We grew up together. It just so happens she is also one of the most creative and infectious people I have ever met. She exudes an energy that will undoubtedly rub off on you. I have a good feeling this young designer and illustrator is going to do really great things for the world. 

4. The Face of Frustration

This is the face of GIS frustration. Thanks Matt. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

3. L ARCH 361

Assignment: Make a 8.5 x 11 in. piece of paper as small as possible.

There were no other guidelines for this project. An idea my friend Collin and I had was to not physically manipulate the paper in any way (no folding, cutting, tearing, etc), but to change the viewer's perspective (angle, distance, focus..). The final product is a silver (paper) lining. 

First photo was taken by yours truly and second photo was taken by Collin. I thought the two images went well together. I will share another response to the assignment in a later post.

Monday, January 6, 2014

1. FTR

It's still possible to find some good colors on gray Seattle days, and it makes me happy to know that I am able to see them.