Sunday, April 7, 2013

Redwoods (Part 5): A Little Luck

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cathedrals, genetically identical
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Sometimes, you're just in the right place at the right time. This rainbow came out right after a rainstorm that hit our Elk Prairie Campground. Then there were two rainbows. Then there were three. It was a magical moment and the three of us just sort of stood there to really take in where we were. 

Our entire trip was a series of lucky breaks. Whenever we thought we had exhausted our options, something better would be just around the corner. Perhaps it was because of the nature of our planning, or rather, no planning at all besides the bare backbones of the trip. We took what we got and made the best of it, so whatever we ended up doing just felt right!

Unfortunately, my camera seems to have taken in some water two days into the trip. The control dials aren't working on Manual mode, although everything is fine on Auto. But it's basically useless now... The rest of the trip was documented on our disposable cameras (props to Mo and Riley for bringing those).

I admit, for the past week or so, I have been moping around about the fact that I don't exactly have a fully functional camera anymore... It feels weird, like I lost an arm or something. I have been saving up for a new camera for the past couple of months, but I didn't plan on buying a new camera this early in the year or for this reason. Yes, I am panicking. Not to mention the first week of school was a little stress-fest. There was a last minute schedule change for one of the overnight field trips so I had to email professors and TAs and get my work schedule figured out. Then the next thing I know I am repacking my backpack and sleeping bag for a three day sojourn to the Hoh Rainforest. But more on that later.

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