Friday, March 1, 2013

34. Every Body Fashion Show

Thank goodness the fashion show was in The HUB this year. I swear Kane Hall is where photos go to die. My friend Alison, who you all know well from my Peru photos (She was my research buddy and we have matching Peru sweaters, so obviously we're besties.) and her housemate were in the show this year. I hung out backstage with them for a while and enjoyed shooting an event without the stress of having to get something for the paper.

Unfortunately that means, for yesterday's event at least, a lot of experimentation and not-so-good photos. I had a great time though!

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The models do a quick run-through before going back stage to do hair and makeup. 
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All dressed up!
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Work ittt
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I really enjoyed the Hip Hop Student Association's performance. So much sass and swag, I loved it.
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Photographers everywhere. We're all outwardly nice to each other but on the inside
we're secretly wishing everyone else didn't exist... Get out of my way... please? :)

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