Wednesday, February 20, 2013

28. Going Under: A Scuba Diving Adventure (Part 2)

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Each dive was about 40 minutes, so in between surfaces I had time to explore. This is a double-crested cormorant.
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There they are!
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Colin and Grace soak their hands in hot water to warm up.
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And they pour the hot water down their suits too. Anything to keep warm, really, because it's freaking freezing.
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Thanks to Colin and Grace for letting me tag along! Scuba diving looks like way too much fun I might just have to overcome my fear of deep, open waters just so I can get my diving certificate and explore the ocean. I never knew there was such a prolific group of divers in Seattle. There were at least 10 other divers at the cove we were at, and another 15 at the next cove down. The UW scuba club also does night dives, which sounds badass and I definitely want to check it out. Someday soon hopefully, I will be able to dive myself with an underwater camera. That would be the dream. Not being able to explore the oceans would be like missing half the fun, right? Or more like 75% of the fun? 

Sometimes when I think about all the things I've yet to see, I get a little overwhelmed. Where do you even start?