Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 32 - Hobble

Waiting for our van to get to the hotel. Everyone else left before us, so we were sitting around, depressed, haha. But really, the change from being a group of 24 down to 7 was maybe even more drastic than going from 4 to 24. 
Leave it to me to trip on the escalator. Pretty much a minute after I check in my bags, I am walking in a pool of my own blood.
All fixed up. How embarrassing. And don't worry, that's not blood.
Bye Cusco.
Welcome to Lima and layovers. 
Who knew you weren't allowed to take pictures here? I didn't...
Once back in the states, we began to get bombarded with texts, missed calls, weeks old emails, messages...
Real life hit me like a ton of bricks. Real life hit me like a hundred unread emails.
The Peru trip will say goodbye for now, at least until I have time to edit all the video footage I have (there's a lot).
So until then, grab a beer, watch some bird videos, and play 20 questions with your friends. CHEERS!

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