Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day 4 - Tinqui, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

Tinqui, or Tinki, is a funny little name for the cutest little town that is about 1000 ft higher than Cusco. To get there you have to take the bus, but we had no idea if the bus we got on was going to take three hours, according to Tim's notes, or seven hours, according to other people's accounts, or if the bus was going to Tinki at all. It basically went like this:

Sasha: Vamos a Tinki?
Bus driver: Si, si.

Sounds good to me.

The view from my bus window. The skies here are unreal. 
She matched the wall. We are delirious. 

Fortunately, the bus ride was just about 3 hours. We arrived at the hostel and all took a nap for a couple of hours. For dinner we all agreed that we were tired enough to just stay in that night, which meant avocados and squished bread was on the menu. It was delicious. I don't know if I could say the same if I was to have the same meal at home. Maybe the avocado was really good, maybe we were tired and hungry, maybe eating made the cold go away. 

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