Monday, September 19, 2011

New Places

So maybe this can be a place for lyrics and poems too? I wrote this after visiting my cousin in Sweden during winter break of '09. She was studying abroad in a little college town called Lund. I have been meaning to put some music to this thing, but I mean to do a lot of things..

Evening, Lund
I've come to a land
Of lamps dressed in icicles
Of cobblestone streets. They are
strangers to my feet
So old, so new.
Dimly lit windows of seven lights
burn away the remaining days
Toes warm, my soles crunch snow
on the untraveled path to my home for the night
All noise is down
My shaking bones find peace at last
Subway man, play your accordion
Let it echo through the past,
around my mind
Let me rest until the morning.




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