Thursday, March 10, 2011

a new direction

I haven't done any sort of art in a long this blog was going nowhere fast. I figured I could use this blog as a sort of virtual sketchbook where I collect inspirations. My high school art teacher said we should always be keeping track of our likes and dislikes, it really helps us develop our taste and preferences.

I've been perusing through many fashion blogs lately and finding inspiration through new combinations of color and design. What has stood out the most are outfits that combine bold colors with bold shapes. I'm a bit of a minimalist when it comes to fashion, just a few simple pieces can make for one heck of an outfit! Here's what I mean:

I have a thing for primary colors.

I also have a thing for outfits with just black, white, and red.
There's no white in this outfit...but you get the idea.

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