Sunday, March 27, 2011


Bye bye Spring Break, you were good to me. Here's to the final quarter of my freshman year of college, let it be a great one!

This is why I love pen and ink:


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Talking Pictures

To capture an emotion and a story in one picture is the hardest thing I think I have ever tried to do (it's even tougher than my calc homework which is already damn near impossible). It takes a quick eye and quicker reflexes. After shuffling to the right position with the best angle and light, the moment is lost! And plus I always feel so in-your-face when I'm taking candid portraits. "Hi, can I shove my camera in your face? Thanks."

Photographer Rui Palha makes all of this look effortless. His pictures are incredible.

His portraits are especially great. There is so much life in them, it's like I almost know their name. Here is his Flickr. Here is his website.

I can't get enough of these photographs!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Little Perspective

At last! I'm done with finals. The weather was just perfect today right after my exam as if spring was beckoning me. And I am ready for some SUN!

After I got home I plopped onto the couch and watched Aladdin. I had no recollection of what it was even about, just some magic carpets and such. But it was SO GOOD! I might be my favorite so far (and so far I've re-watched Beauty and Beast, Hercules, The Jungle Book...there's more I just can't remember). Re-watching old Disney cartoons are so much fun. You forget how good they were, and you also pick up on things they say that you did not see or understand when you were little.

But back to why I wanted to write a post in the first place. Most of my friends also get done with finals this week, inundating Facebook with "yayyyy spring break!!!!" type of statuses. But I saw two posts one right after the other that made me chuckle.

(the person on the bottom goes to school in california, that's why it's funny)...

Have a super spring break!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I should really be studying for my philosophy final tomorrow...but then I saw these shoes and couldn't stop looking at them. They are on this blog that I have been perusing through. All her outfits are fabulous! Go check it out!

Alright I won't keep you hanging any they are.

Ahh...they're so awesome.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

a new direction

I haven't done any sort of art in a long this blog was going nowhere fast. I figured I could use this blog as a sort of virtual sketchbook where I collect inspirations. My high school art teacher said we should always be keeping track of our likes and dislikes, it really helps us develop our taste and preferences.

I've been perusing through many fashion blogs lately and finding inspiration through new combinations of color and design. What has stood out the most are outfits that combine bold colors with bold shapes. I'm a bit of a minimalist when it comes to fashion, just a few simple pieces can make for one heck of an outfit! Here's what I mean:

I have a thing for primary colors.

I also have a thing for outfits with just black, white, and red.
There's no white in this outfit...but you get the idea.