8:30 classes means I get to rise with the sun. Yay?
I was experiencing a serious case of reverse culture shock. The botany greenhouse provided some solace.
Seeing best friends helped too. Remember the
last time we matched?
After choir.
I couldn't stay apart from these guys for long! A mini Peru reunion at the UW Bird Club table.
Wednesday - This was a really awesome week for sports. It started out with this volleyball game against UCLA, then our football team beat Stanford on Thursday, then the next day volleyball tore it up again against USC.
Haha, hey Alison.
The first of many ESRM labs/field trips to be on this blog I'm sure.
We were birdwatching. Then this happened.

Husky stadium construction.
Friday - No pictures. I know, I'm sorry. At least there were multiple pictures from other days?