Sunday, March 29, 2015

Deception and Coincidences

Not a bad view for a wrong turn.


Explaining intertidal species and good shoreline management to anyone who'll listen.

*senior portraits*

Thank you, ma'am, for your great seating choice.

What are the chances of running into three of your classmates over spring break? What are the chances of getting to the same park one minute from each other? Too many things had to go wrong/right for this to happen, and I'm so glad they did. Obligatory celebratory selfie coming right up.

Many of these photos came from this guy. Thanks for your help Ryan!

Friday, March 27, 2015


I've talked about Privately Owned Public Spaces (POPS) before on this blog (see full map of them here), and I want to talk about them again. Earlier this week I was walking around Pike Place Market and had the opportunity to visit another green space in the middle of downtown. Located on Union St. and 2nd Ave on the 17th floor of the Russell Investment Center (enter building on 2nd Ave, there are elevators to the left), there is a beautiful, perhaps overly manicured, space open to the public. (To be clear, this spot is not officially listed on the website as a POPS, but my experience of getting to this space was very similar to my previous POPS account, which leads me to think this might also be a POPS or something close to it.)

Being here gave me the feeling that I had stumbled into some exclusive club, but there was no indication that I was somewhere I wasn't allowed to be. These places are weird and underutilized. They are beautiful, but mostly empty. Public, but not publicized. I see a place like this and I'm disappointed that it's not being appreciated (or even known) to its full capacity. I guess my part in all of this is letting you know that this exists. Should you be wandering near Union & 2nd one of these weekdays, know that there is some calm and quiet waiting for you on the 17th floor. 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

This is Gus

This is Gus. 

This is Ryan.

This is Gus and Ryan. 

We spent the day together. 

First we went to Queen Anne.

We found stairs in Queen Anne.

uh oh

Okay, I'm not mad anymore.

Then we went to the beach. 

The trail down to the beach was a nice trail.

Then we found something to play with.

Gus liked it a lot.

He was surprised by the waves.

It was a great day in Seattle.