Monday, April 30, 2012

26. James Morrison yeee

Many photos have been taken over this past weekend with the 5D, but I'm going to start the week off with something from my phone.  (Because sometimes, not even the highest quality picture can explain how I feel.)


Going to the James Morrison concert was the best impromptu decision I have made in a long time. Did I mention he's British? Hearing that man speak would have been enough to make me happy. In all seriousness, though, what a great show. Very impressive vocals, British humor, lots of energy.  I enjoyed every minute of that performance. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Thursday, April 26, 2012

24. Look, books.


I don't know why I've never really explored the Gallagher Law Library before.  There's something about the word 'law' that scares me, I guess. But after nearly two years on this campus, I finally gave in to the gorgeous glass exterior and spent some time inside the building. Lots of big, important-looking books.


Tried some self-photography today, if you couldn't already tell. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

23. Oh Happy Day


Took pictures of the first ever ASUW presidential debate today. It was...interesting. A little boring. But let's be honest, everyone was there to see Fred Ness, right?

Three good things happened today:

1. I found my water bottle.

2. I found my iPod.  After nearly 5 weeks of silent bus rides, I almost certain I've gone slightly insane. So some normalcy will be restored tomorrow. It is now happily charging to my left. 'Tis a wonderful thing.

3. We finally had our first Peru meeting!  Got to see about 2/3 of the group and mainly talked about the logistics of the trip.  It looks like I won't be able to blog while I'm there because we won't even have cellphone reception for most of the time let alone an internet connection.  I will just have to keep a journal and do daily posts about each day when I get back.  I even got a 32GB memory card today...haha.  Yeah, I know. You're like, when on earth am I going to need 32GB? Geez.  The sad thing is I will probably fill it up. With that much storage space I will never have to fear deleting pictures to make room for more.  I actually had to make this terrible choice during my Europe trip a couple of years back.  After looking at my pictures from the trip, I realized half my photos were of Prague and about 20 pictures of Rome...So I'm not going to let that happen again!  Maybe I can do some video too!  Ooooh. Excitement. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

20. So High

Relaaax.  I'm talking about bouldering!


The pun was too appropriate to pass up.  Anywho, trying new things with new friends! Yay! Bouldering is so much fun.  I've already got a collection of bruises and scrapes I could show you.  Climbing with a camera probably wasn't the best idea, but eh, we made it home.  Normally, I would write more. But right now, I AM SO SORE.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

19. and then it hit me


Today I was reminded of a feeling that I have not felt for a very long time.  Well, I guess it's more like a sequence of feelings: The feeling of working really hard on something, not fully knowing what the finished product will look like, and then seeing it for the first time.  It's true this happens with the newspaper when I don't know what my picture will look like printed, but today made me realize I have not done anything with my hands for the longest time.  There's a satisfaction that comes along with the process of painting, sculpting, or in this case, silk screening, that can't come from snapping a picture.


I carved this design two years ago from a linoleum block.  It's nothing special, trees are my go-to subjects when creativity seems to hate me, but learning how to block print and relishing the moment when you lift up the paper to see the ink evenly seeped into the fibers was an experience difficult to forget.


So now what?  I will definitely look into this silk screening thing.  It looks pretty simple.  The hardest part seems to be transferring your design on to the panel.  Otherwise, it's just a matter of applying the right amount of ink and pressure and you've got yourself a badass shirt.  The possibilities are endless!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

18. Seattleite obsesses over some Seattle light

Last friday was just one of those days where the weather made everything a little better.  The lighting was phenomenal!  Just warm, golden rays all over the place and all over my face.  It was great.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

17. church

Choir needs to sing here next time. 

And forget the piano, did you see that organ?!

The otherside.


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cherry Fairies

I think I've done way too many daily posts about or relating to cherry blossoms already, so this is just going to be a separate entry.  It's definitely adorable enough to stand on its own!

In the spring, The Quad attracts a myriad of visitors to campus every year, but the most welcomed guests undoubtedly have to be the cherry blossom fairies.  They jovially frolic amongst the flowering branches while tending to each tree's special needs.

(Yes, I got their parent's permission before I took and posted these photos.)


Friday, April 13, 2012

15. Trash talk

The annual Trash-In took place in Red Square a couple of days ago. UW students, faculty, and staff volunteered to sort out trash from buildings on campus that could have been recycled.  Under a huge white tent laid piles of stuffed trash bags, and the volunteers divided themselves into groups to sort out the good stuff from the bad stuff. What a great event.  It reminded me that anyone can do their small part to make a big difference.  It really doesn't take that much more effort or time to sort your trash before you throw it away.  Create a compost bin, reuse items, take only what you need because you can always come back and get more.  I'd like to think the little things add up.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

12. eye see you


11. Mariachi Quinto Sol

I never thought I would get the chance to photograph a mariachi band.  Listening to them play made me want to go to Peru that much more.  The right music can take you anywhere, even if it's only for a short amount of time.  

Unfortunately this was just a rehearsal so no colorful costumes. 
This is a guitarrĂ³n.  It looks like a guitar but with a rounded back and acts as a bass. Very cool.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

9. it just works

Today was strangely hectic. 

Good weather, a guitar, and sittin' under a tree just kind of go together.  This guy knows what's up.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Sometimes you gotta get the cliche stuff out of your system before any real creativity can kick in.  Please bear with me.